no more wrapping
no more looking for the right present
no more baking
no more decorating
no more high electric bills
no more running from house to house to be with ALL your family
and I miss it!
I miss having the things that I am very thankful for right in front of my face.
Through the hustle and bustle of day to day life..I get busy..I get caught up..I forget.
I forget that family is so so so talk to them EVERY day...about everything and nothing.
I forget that just hanging out is worth so much more than presents
I forget that.
I forget that you have to make time to go and just visit with family and friends.
I forget that we can TALK not TEXT.
I forget that we had a man whipped and beaten to die strictly for us.
for ME.
I know God is with me.
I hear him talk to me.
I feel him near.
But sometimes I forget what he really done for me.
All the Christmas songs are over....the Christmas sermons will come again next year..
but January to November .... I need to remember....what is so easy to forget.
God isn't supreme just in December.
He is the same yesterday , today, and forever.
So as all the Christmas decor comes down, the lights slowly go off, the songs fade away....
my love, worship, and praise will not
I will love him, praise him, and thank him .. just like I do in December all year long!