it almost makes me laugh out loud!
Last night was one of those dreaded nights where you are always in fear of getting thrown up on so there is really no reason to even lay today baby girl and I stayed home.
Lyla has been weak but trying to play a little bit..I have been cleaning so hopefully I can stop the dreaded cycle of virus before it starts....We shall see..
With this post.I am just going to continue to update with all my pictures..I am so horrible at taking pictures..and I take thousands...then i upload them all at one is pathetic I is a mom confession of mine!!
Our Christmas cards this year
awesome cake my mother in law made for my nieces first birthday
New Church...yay!
Lyla and Gregg checking everything out!!
I'm sure I posted this one before...this was Lyla on Halloween..but seriously what is up with that cheesy grin!??