I have gone back and forth on whether to blog or not to blog....
now admit we all said in our heads "That is the question"
I don't really have the time for it.. or shall I say I don't "make" the time for it...but when I get a wild hair thinking
Hmm..I should go look at that old blog of mine..
I LOVE seeing the old posts about my what was going on in my life..which was really the reason I started this blog in the first place...to keep memories...for a tool that my daughter could use to see what life was like back in the olden days.
This world is changing so quickly before my eyes .. I am sure that this world will be totally different by the time my daughter is my age.
Blogging has gotten so business minded.. money making... so commercial. I thought that I wouldn't add up because I don't ever want to go there. I don't want to sell out.. I don't want to be a "review" blog.. I want it to be MY blog. MY pictures. MY memories. told in MY voice.
So .. you will see to many dots (...) because that is me pausing to think. You will not see correct grammar, perfect English, or professional photos. You may find a misspelled word and you may come across a post with just a picture and no words, but it is what it is.
It's mine.
So welcome to the Brewers little space on the world wide web..I hope you grab a cup of good ol southern sweet tea, stay awhile and chat. It'll be nice to get to know you!