Today I woke up in such a grateful mood. How can you not be so thankful for everything we have in this life with all that is going on in our crazy world?
Each morning when I wake up I grab my "Keep Calm and Pray On" journal and I write a short .. or sometimes long... prayer before I start my day. Today this post is coming straight from my prayer here comes some realness:
November 27
Today is my fathers birthday and yesterday was today my cup is overflowing with gratefulness and all I can possibly pull out of my soul today to pray is "I'm Thankful"
Without you Lord none of this life would be possible. All of my blessing that I do not deserve come from you and your sacrifice. I'm humbled and grateful. I have spent time recently reflecting on how wonderful my life truly is. During this time people start making wish lists for Santa and telling family what they would like for Christmas and I'm just over here humbled by what I already have.
I'm so thankful for the parents you chose for me. I"m thankful for the time we have spent together as a family. I'm thankful for the hard times we have went through. I'm thankful I got to spend so much time with Colton when he was a baby. I'm thankful for a great brother and a wonderful uncle to my children. I'm thankful for all our family friends and family that I don't really even know. I'm thankful for me and my dad's close relationship. I'm thankful for having a great bond with my brother. I'm thankful that my mom enjoys being a wonderful grandma to my kids. I'm thankful she takes the opportunity to teach my daughter lady things like cooking and sewing when I fail at showing her those types of things. I'm thankful for my past relationships with old boyfriends which make me appreciate the relationship I have now with Gregg. I'm thankful you guided my path and my decisions that led me to Gregg. I'm thankful that Gregg was interested in this simple country girl. I'm thankful for his protection, love and security in our family. I'm thankful you chose me to be his help mate for the rest of our lives. I'm thankful he is the father of my children. I'm thankful for our job, our house, our vehicles, our way of life. I"m thankful that you have allowed me to experience two wonderful pregnancies that brought me two beautifully healthy children. I'm thankful that you see fit to make me a mother. I'm thankful for my blurry busy days and two annoying dogs. I'm thankful for every day that I wake up in a dream and realize that this is my reality. I'm thankful. I'm thankful that you given all this to me, Lord. I'm thankful for your love, mercy and grace.
I'm Thankful.
You have let me experience the joys of life and the exquisite pleasures of Your own eternal presence. Psalms 16:11
There is so much to be thankful for.. Just because Thanksgiving is over with now .. let's not forget what all we have to be thankful for.