

I just had the scare of my life..

Great day...sitting here at my computer wasting time while i should be cleaning...

Lyla watching Mickey Mouse and putting all her baby dolls down for nap time

Then the lights start flashing.......
then they came on.


then they start blinking someone was turning them off and on really fast..
then they would half way go off and on...just dim...then come on...

then...all of them went out.

What's the first thing I think?


Oh God!
Do I talk to it?
Do I tell it to leave?
Should I grab the video camera for Paranormal Activity 3!?

The next thing I think is...............
Grabbed Lyla threw clothes on her....ran a quick list through my mind of what important papers i need to grab before my house burns to ashes!

***all my thinking was happening while my lights were going crazy***

when all the lights went off...what did I do?
called my mommy!!

Her lights were doing the same thing! we both have a ghost?
We will need one more video camera.

Praise God ....I do not have a ghost in my house..nor does my mom...

but this is what was happening.....

A transformer blew at a local substation....this is a picture of the smoke about 5 miles away. Thousands of people in our area are out of electricity...some have been hearing it could be up to three days..maybe even a week.
I pray that no one's house was damaged in this event...I pray that they didn't lose anything valuable or important..I pray for the electric men who have to fix all this.
They had electric men coming from towns as far as an hour away.

This was scary for me...for a few different reasons...

1. I obviously do believe in ghosts.

2. If our house was on fire...I could have gotten me and lyla out..but I had no clue what else to grab!

What would you take?
pictures, important papers, clothes....

Once the thought crossed my mind that my house is an earthly isn't a treasure stored up for me in can be taken away from me...I mind went blank on what was most important besides getting my daughter out of the house and far away.

So tell me...if you had one minute to gather what it most important to you and get out of your house that is going up in flames...What would you take with you?



  1. So glad that you and you lil darling are safe! This is a great question - hmm.... I would grab my hubby, dog and my childhood blankie (so many good memories are wrapped up in that fabric). Enjoy life without electricity!

  2. My kids of three legged yorkie Tiny Tim....and if I had any time left....probably at least a couple of those $300 a pop nursing books!! ;)

  3. I would get my two kids, hubby, dog, cat, my wallet and our passports. Everything else is replaceable, but our passports are important to me since I am not american.
    Good to hear you are all okey, hope you get it figured out what to bring out of the house incase of fire. They say it is important to have an easy to grab box by your door to just grab and run in case of emergencies as a fire. Maybe it is time for us all to make one?

  4. Well you aren't the only that thought "Ghost." I read some comments on facebook. Someone had the same thought, another thought a plane crashed and others thought it was the end of the world. I have to admit that I sure thought it was funny, but I do feel bad b/c I know I would have thought similar thoughts as well!
    Back to your question, I have no idea what to gather other than my baby and my two giant yorkies. Looks like it may be time to make a list and prepare plan.

  5. i'm glad i wasn't the only one that thought of a ghost!

    i am working on my emergency preparedness plan right now..that really hit me...that i didn't know what to grab.

  6. Scary! yeah, i would have thought ghost too.

    Um, one, hubby (but I think he could find his way without me) Bible, every photograph album I could lay my hands on, my camera...that's all off the top of my head.

  7. Hmmm, good question! Hopefully I never have to find this out but I guess my first reaction is kids, cat, purse, photos ... the question is, would I go back in for our pet snail? It is a living creature after all ... but it's ... a snail. (Weird I know, who has a pet snail?) Long story, I'll have to do a post about it sometime! Thanks for visiting btw. I love your blog ... and your wordless wedn. was hilarious!! New follower!


It is so nice to know that I am not talking to myself. I love reading your comments and I try to respond to each and every one! Thank you for stopping by!