Happy Sunday!
Happy Sunday!!
Just felt like posting a cute baby picture of my princess before we go back to church.
God Bless!

Girls Night = Craft Night!
Today after work Miss Lyla and I went to go get our nails done. I needed a fill anyway and got talked into getting a whole new set of Solar Nails...they are supposed to be stronger and last longer...blah blah blah...anyway...
Lyla wanted her nails painted too...so the lady told her to climb up in the chair and she would paint her nails pink. I immeadiately told the lady that we are far from sitting still to let them dry so I do not in any way expect perfection on that child's nails...so don't even try!
Fooled me...cause she did a pretty dang good job! The lady .... not Lyla
Lyla about drove me nuts!
She just about fell out of the rolly chair onto the ceramic tile floor while holding my Iphone...all I could do was give her the "mom" look and tell her sit down .... cause my hands were trapped getting my nails buffed at this point.
Then she announces to the whole entire nail salon that she has to poop! I forgot to mention that we had already been to the bathroom twice since we had been there...so I know for fact she only going because she was bored. So out of complete hopelessness...I said, "Fine-Go!" and secretely praying the whole time that she doesn't fall in the toilet and get stuck while I am getting my nails done and I can't hear her so she would be stuck in a toilet for at least another 20 minutes...unless someone else had to poop!
Thank God for my cousin Brittany ...she saved my child from a mommy that was about to go insane. She showed up at the nail shop...took Lyla out to her car and let her and her daughter play for a few more mintues while my nails finished up. I don't think she will ever understand how much I love her!!
On a sappy note: She is a single mom...and in my opinion has a dang good job of taking care of her little family...I am so scared sometimes when my husband and I have our "oh my goodness I am ready to just pack my stuff and move to Egypt" fights of having to start over and doing it all on my own...but I know if I had to...that Brittany would be there for me...she would give me her tips and secrets...and more important she would be there for me to cry on. Some days...like today...I can NOT wait until Gregg gets home ...just so I can sit and breathe and not have to worry about what Lyla is thinking or doing or thinking about doing. Having to do it all on my own..like her...would take a lot of strength and patience
on the other hand.....
if you were a single mom........
you wouldn't have an extra person in the house to clean up after..................
let's not go there
moving on
When we got home from our hellacious of a nail salon trip...I had Lyla try on her bikini. It is already swimsuit weather here in Arkansas so Lyla is learning to strut her stuff!!
America's Next Top Model?
Anytime Brittany and Alyssa come over we always have a good time!
Whether we are sitting outside watching the girls play....
driving around looking at houses we can't afford....
listening to old-y but good-y songs on the computer while the girls dance and we sing our hearts out like we are center stage at the Grand Ol Opry!!
Anything we do it fun!
Tonight we decided to make bows. Never made a bow before. Ever.
But tonight...I did pretty good!!
I think I will continue my quest in bow making.
Here's my first virgin bow:
I added the middle bow after I tried it on. It isn't done...cause I have to put cutesy stuff on it...but I think it is looking pretty good!! What do you think?
Lyla wanted her nails painted too...so the lady told her to climb up in the chair and she would paint her nails pink. I immeadiately told the lady that we are far from sitting still to let them dry so I do not in any way expect perfection on that child's nails...so don't even try!
Fooled me...cause she did a pretty dang good job! The lady .... not Lyla
Lyla about drove me nuts!
She just about fell out of the rolly chair onto the ceramic tile floor while holding my Iphone...all I could do was give her the "mom" look and tell her sit down .... cause my hands were trapped getting my nails buffed at this point.
Then she announces to the whole entire nail salon that she has to poop! I forgot to mention that we had already been to the bathroom twice since we had been there...so I know for fact she only going because she was bored. So out of complete hopelessness...I said, "Fine-Go!" and secretely praying the whole time that she doesn't fall in the toilet and get stuck while I am getting my nails done and I can't hear her so she would be stuck in a toilet for at least another 20 minutes...unless someone else had to poop!
Thank God for my cousin Brittany ...she saved my child from a mommy that was about to go insane. She showed up at the nail shop...took Lyla out to her car and let her and her daughter play for a few more mintues while my nails finished up. I don't think she will ever understand how much I love her!!
On a sappy note: She is a single mom...and in my opinion has a dang good job of taking care of her little family...I am so scared sometimes when my husband and I have our "oh my goodness I am ready to just pack my stuff and move to Egypt" fights of having to start over and doing it all on my own...but I know if I had to...that Brittany would be there for me...she would give me her tips and secrets...and more important she would be there for me to cry on. Some days...like today...I can NOT wait until Gregg gets home ...just so I can sit and breathe and not have to worry about what Lyla is thinking or doing or thinking about doing. Having to do it all on my own..like her...would take a lot of strength and patience
on the other hand.....
if you were a single mom........
you wouldn't have an extra person in the house to clean up after..................
let's not go there
moving on
When we got home from our hellacious of a nail salon trip...I had Lyla try on her bikini. It is already swimsuit weather here in Arkansas so Lyla is learning to strut her stuff!!
America's Next Top Model?
Anytime Brittany and Alyssa come over we always have a good time!
Whether we are sitting outside watching the girls play....
driving around looking at houses we can't afford....
listening to old-y but good-y songs on the computer while the girls dance and we sing our hearts out like we are center stage at the Grand Ol Opry!!
Anything we do it fun!
Tonight we decided to make bows. Never made a bow before. Ever.
But tonight...I did pretty good!!
I think I will continue my quest in bow making.
Here's my first virgin bow:
I added the middle bow after I tried it on. It isn't done...cause I have to put cutesy stuff on it...but I think it is looking pretty good!! What do you think?

Be Prepared: Next month is my Birthday month!!
Just so that my little blog-o-sphere knows...
next month is.....
yes ...i take up a whole month!
So I thought now would be a pretty good time to start making my birthday list....I made one last year...but then forgot that I had when I was bombarded with the question "What do you want?"
When I get asked that question...I automatically freeze like someone just asked me to make the most important decision of my life.
Well....this year....I will remember...and I will have a list ready
in face
I might make copies and hand it out to all my family and friends!!
i think i will!
Alright enough wasting time....lets get to it!!
I have always wanted an outside patio! I don't want anything grand and fancy...just some small tiles that me and my husband can put down to make a little area for outdoor furniture.
So there is two things:
outside patio tiles
and to go with my new pots...I would love to finally reach a decision about how I want to decorate my kitchen...so i think maybe a gift card to somwhere might work...
Then I want some nude shoes (NOTE: be careful when you put that into Google to search...not good for children)...but hopefully you all know that I mean nude COLORED shoes....
like this:
last on my list for tonight...
is a digital scrapbooking software .. I love to scrapbook..but getting out all those little pieces and setting up my layout just right is to much work for a two year old to run in and destroy 45 minutes of planning and thinking in 2.3 seconds....so I figured i would go digi!! and I am so super excited...if i get none of these other things....i really hope I get this!
Now...I know what your thinking...
hmm..not alot on her list...
I'm not done!
I am done for now...because it is way way past a little girls bedtime and tomorrow at school is movie and popcorn day...so we need our rest!!
to be continued............................
next month is.....
yes ...i take up a whole month!
So I thought now would be a pretty good time to start making my birthday list....I made one last year...but then forgot that I had when I was bombarded with the question "What do you want?"
When I get asked that question...I automatically freeze like someone just asked me to make the most important decision of my life.
Well....this year....I will remember...and I will have a list ready
in face
I might make copies and hand it out to all my family and friends!!
i think i will!
Alright enough wasting time....lets get to it!!
I have always wanted an outside patio! I don't want anything grand and fancy...just some small tiles that
So there is two things:
outside patio tiles
outside furntiture
Then I wouldn't mind having new pots and pans....my husband won't buy me stuff that I use around the hosue for my birthday..I have to pick something "for me"...but I'm the only one that uses those dang things!!and to go with my new pots...I would love to finally reach a decision about how I want to decorate my kitchen...so i think maybe a gift card to somwhere might work...
Then I want some nude shoes (NOTE: be careful when you put that into Google to search...not good for children)...but hopefully you all know that I mean nude COLORED shoes....
like this:
last on my list for tonight...
is a digital scrapbooking software .. I love to scrapbook..but getting out all those little pieces and setting up my layout just right is to much work for a two year old to run in and destroy 45 minutes of planning and thinking in 2.3 seconds....so I figured i would go digi!! and I am so super excited...if i get none of these other things....i really hope I get this!
Now...I know what your thinking...
hmm..not alot on her list...
I'm not done!
I am done for now...because it is way way past a little girls bedtime and tomorrow at school is movie and popcorn day...so we need our rest!!
to be continued............................

Alot of updating
Here are some pictures of some events that happened while I was on my bloggy hiatus(aka..getting redy for preschool graduation)...ha ha!
I crack myself up!
I just love this old picture of Gregg and I ...this is when we were still dating. It was Christmas time at his mom's house.
Here are a few pictures from Easter...Miss Lyla got four Easter Baskets.
One from Nanny Norma
One from Nanny Carol
One from the Easter Bunny
and one from mom and dad!!
Can we say S P O I L E D!!!
Here is Lyla trying out a new ice cream shop in town .... I think she approved!
We had to doggy sit for a few days...it was so cute seeing Lyla with a puppy...but oh bless her heart we dont' need a puppy...This is Lyla and Trixie.
Alright....supper is done cooking...so I am off to say our prayers and eat....then I might be back with some more catching up!!
I crack myself up!
I just love this old picture of Gregg and I ...this is when we were still dating. It was Christmas time at his mom's house.
Here are a few pictures from Easter...Miss Lyla got four Easter Baskets.
One from Nanny Norma
One from Nanny Carol
One from the Easter Bunny
and one from mom and dad!!
Can we say S P O I L E D!!!
Here is Lyla trying out a new ice cream shop in town .... I think she approved!
We had to doggy sit for a few days...it was so cute seeing Lyla with a puppy...but oh bless her heart we dont' need a puppy...This is Lyla and Trixie.
This is my view at our dinner table...and I love it! I especially love hearing her say her prayers before we eat. What a blessing!!
First 3D movie!!
Gnomeo and Juliet...very cute movie...very cute little girl!!
I actually enjoyed it...about 15 minutes in Lyla took her glasses off
Rainy Day...Supper was Arby's!
OMG..please don't look at the DISASTER behind her..but this is her new way to dress up like a princess...don't we all wish we could pull something like this off!!
At Nanny's house watching Spiderman 2...Lyla kept calling him Snowman
ha ha
I don't think Spiderman would appreciate that!
Alright....supper is done cooking...so I am off to say our prayers and eat....then I might be back with some more catching up!!

I WUV my new look!!
I love love love it!!
I love the little girl up there...
I love the memories
I love it!
I love that the girl and I are both wearing white shirts..... sorry that was my OCD checking in!
I am so excited to get back to blogging...
Blogging means editing my pictures....
which means i have to take pictures...
which means i need a new one so i can take good ones...
ARE YOU GETTING THE HINT HONEY??? (just in case my husband is reading this)
Well it is already way later than the time that Lyla is supposed to be in bed....(bad mom moment)....
So I just wanted to pop in and say HI!
and will be here tomorrow...
I think I got something about organzing floating in my head to post about tomorrow!!
and of course some LONG OVERDUE pictures!
I love the little girl up there...
I love the memories
I love it!
I love that the girl and I are both wearing white shirts..... sorry that was my OCD checking in!
I am so excited to get back to blogging...
Blogging means editing my pictures....
which means i have to take pictures...
which means i need a new one so i can take good ones...
ARE YOU GETTING THE HINT HONEY??? (just in case my husband is reading this)
Well it is already way later than the time that Lyla is supposed to be in bed....(bad mom moment)....
So I just wanted to pop in and say HI!
and will be here tomorrow...
I think I got something about organzing floating in my head to post about tomorrow!!
and of course some LONG OVERDUE pictures!

Lyla started summer preschool!!
Wednesday Lyla started summer preschool with me!
She is going where I teach now and I have to admit I was truly worried how it would all work out. Would she cry every time she seen me or heard me? Would I want to check on her ALL DAY? Would she like it? Will she have fun?
I guess the usual "Mom worries"
I do have pictures of her dressed in the morning and on our way out the door but at the moment she is playing on my Iphone ...so I can't get to my pictures on my Iphone...
Thank goodness that she has Ms Jennifer...I love her! She is nice but firm. I like that! And she has a smaller class. I was really hoping that Lyla would have her so she would have all summer to get used to such a big place before Big school starts in August.
(In August..she will be in my classroom...ha...we'll see how that works out!)
She is the only little girl in her class...but she has a kitchen and baby dolls so she is good!
The first day we had a bounce around...what an awesome first day! She did great! I checked her through out the day and it never bothered her...she would just tell me that she was having fun!
I was secretly jumping for joy on the inside!!
Today we had cotton candy..I think she was the only kid in the whole school that didn't want to eat it!
So far So good!!
I am so excited!!
Maybe tomorrow when I can sneak my Iphone away from my two year old I will upload pictures!
She is going where I teach now and I have to admit I was truly worried how it would all work out. Would she cry every time she seen me or heard me? Would I want to check on her ALL DAY? Would she like it? Will she have fun?
I guess the usual "Mom worries"
I do have pictures of her dressed in the morning and on our way out the door but at the moment she is playing on my Iphone ...so I can't get to my pictures on my Iphone...
Thank goodness that she has Ms Jennifer...I love her! She is nice but firm. I like that! And she has a smaller class. I was really hoping that Lyla would have her so she would have all summer to get used to such a big place before Big school starts in August.
(In August..she will be in my classroom...ha...we'll see how that works out!)
She is the only little girl in her class...but she has a kitchen and baby dolls so she is good!
The first day we had a bounce around...what an awesome first day! She did great! I checked her through out the day and it never bothered her...she would just tell me that she was having fun!
I was secretly jumping for joy on the inside!!
Today we had cotton candy..I think she was the only kid in the whole school that didn't want to eat it!
So far So good!!
I am so excited!!
Maybe tomorrow when I can sneak my Iphone away from my two year old I will upload pictures!

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