

Old Friends Know No Time

So Gregg is off becoming an elite 1% of our population in the World Greatest Air Force...

Now Lyla and I have to find ways to keep ourselves busy so that hopefully the time will pass quickly.

Thank goodness the weekend after he left was going to be a busy one.

My cousin Brittany took Lyla and I to a McDonalds dinner date. That gave Lyla a reason to play and have fun! So happy for that.

Then we also had one of Lyla's old friends from preschool having a birthday party at the Monkey House. She was super excited about that! I was too..because it was a few hours that could be accounted for where I had no option but to put on a smile. You can't very well break down in the middle of a bouncy house at a child's birthday party.

These girls hadn't seen each other in a long time and it was like no time had passed at all.
As soon as they seen each other they played together, they sat together, they chatted together. It made me envious of my daughter. I want a friend like that!

She even let Lyla sit in the "birthday" chair with her!
So sweet!

So thankful for a busy weekend!
So thankful that Lyla had a good time!
One weekend down....eight more to go!

1 comment:

  1. You were nominated for the Liebster Blog Award. Check it out here!


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