

Continuing..our Walt Disney Vacation

I know I have been off and on the past few months....
Life has gotten so busy for me here lately...
Surpise huh?

So tonight..I throwing caution to the wind...and letting a new pupy and a three year old have the house while I take just a few minutes for me and blog!

Jesus, please protect my furniture and my husband's 55 inch TV!

So this little number about our vacation ...isn't anything really special...but it was wonderful to us.
We just took a little while to eat and swim...and hang out as a family.

Lyla was ALWAYS ready to swim!

such beautiful scenery...i could just sit and watch the clouds move

Gregg trying to teach Lyla how to float

Lyla's dinner of choice..on a Mickey Mouse plate

My dinner of choice (note to self..bring bigger shorts)

Our waiter gave Lyla a balloon for being cute!

Gregg playing with food...

I took a picture of Lyla through the balloon...turned out kinda cool i thought

Her dessert was an ice cream sundae which she got to make herself

Gregg's dessert

my dessert!

Lyla's final creation of her dessert!

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