

Do you know what your pins are?

I just laid my little hurrican down to sleep...
said our prayers...
turned on soft music...

*have my fingers crossed that she will sleep all night*

and came in here to get on my computer (that I love) for some Mommy time...

one of the few pages that i start with on my list of Pinterest

i know
shocker huh?

I think everyone is slowly finding out about Pinterest...

If you don't...
It is amazing...

I think every blog I have read the past two months has a post on what Pinterest is....


I'm on Pinterest...and I am pinning things like crazy...I'm totally addicted and having fun!!

but then a thought hits me...

Lord only knows what ALL I have pinned...

I don't even know my pins...

Do you know all your pins?

I just see something cute or interesting ....and REPIN!
cute kitchen mixer....REPIN!
beautiful waterfall .... REPIN!
wall o books ....REPIN!

I have to get in touch with my pins....

so here are a few "Products that I love"

Teacher's rocking chair for circle time...greatness...
someone make this for me!!

I want the Ipad...and the cover...thank you!

How amazing is this? I never knew this tile grout looks like ( i don't even want to go there)...but i need this...bad!

hello! love!

Iphone picture dock printer....YES!

Iphone ...poloroid! OMG! I'm speechless!

Iphone lenses...seriously...this girl is literally in heaven...

give me a min


tape a heel....what else could make you smile?
come on!

I'm so glad I invested some time into my pins....

show me yours since I showed you mine!!!

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It is so nice to know that I am not talking to myself. I love reading your comments and I try to respond to each and every one! Thank you for stopping by!