I haven't posted alot this week..actually at all this week.
I have had quite a bit on my mind. I've done alot of praying and reflecting this week.
Sunday at church we had a great pastor fill in while our pastor was away and he read an excerpt from Max Lucado's book "He Chose the Nails" (I think that is the book it came from..I plan on going to the bookstore this weekend and looking for it).
I wish I had recorded the part he read because it really touched me..
The short paraphrase version is:
If we made a list of all the sins we have done...every one of them...lying, cheating, unholy thoughts, coveting, unforgiveness....every one of them and wrote them down as a list on a piece of paper...it would probably be quite long.
Maybe yours wouldn't be....but mine would.
I am sure I do something or think something I shouldn't every day... Mine would be long.
But then we would take that list..and go to the cross.
The cross where Jesus chose the nails.
He chose to be humilated. He chose to be whipped. He chose it...for me. For Me.
He didn't try to hit the guards that pushing that crown of thorns down in his head.
He didn't struggle when they placed him upon the cross. He chose to stay calm and he chose to do so for me.
So the only thing I can bring to the cross is my failures...and put them right between Jesus perfect palm and the wood of an old rugged cross ...held by a nail.
But as that nail goes in...there will be blood...perfect sinless blood..that will drip down my list and made it uncomprehensable ...it will get harder and harder to read my list of sins...and before to long.. you won't be able to see them at all.
I don't even know what to say after that..
Is there anything to add to that?
I just sit and think of that image ...I thought of that image all week..and felt humbled...and empowered..and thankful... and oh so utterly sorry but oh so wonderfully loved
Have a great and wonderful weekend!!!