

I figured out my phone...a little!

My husband got me a new phone for mother's is a Blackberry Bold 9000...It is a good phone..and a really good phone if you own a business. ..but I don't. I pretty much use my phone for calling, texting and taking pictures on spur of the moment (which is pretty much all the time with a one year old). So this phone is pretty advanced for me. But today...I figured out how to get pictures off my phone and to my computer by using the USB cord!! Woohoo!! Go me!!
I have been wanting to do a thing called "A week in the life." There is quite a few people that do it and I think it all started over at Ali Edward's blog. You take a million pictures (ok not a million but close) during your week and document what you are doing in your life RIGHT NOW!! I think it is a tremendous idea and I started it one week in April..but didn't finish for some reason...oh yeah..I was trying to graduation stuff together and forgot to take pictures. But you can also keep reciepts from if you go out to eat...just whatever you do that week. I got a journal that I am going to jot down what happened with in that week..some funny things Lyla did or said that I don't want to forget. You know what I'm talking about.
So now that I have figured out my picture transferring on my phone...I am ready for A week in the life at the Brewer's!!
I think I might start it ....Sunday
Sunday we are having our Penecost Drama at church so what a great way to start pictures of the week ..huh? I hope you follow along....and if you haven't already done this....I encourage you to try it....I love looking at link them up here!!
I'm not blog saavy the next thing I need to figure out is the whole blog world! Oh goodness!
Alright ..enough for now..I have to go pick up my catergory 6 hurricane from preschool!!
Have a great day!

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It is so nice to know that I am not talking to myself. I love reading your comments and I try to respond to each and every one! Thank you for stopping by!