Dear Lyla,
You are cracking me up with how much you have been talking here lately! What is so funny is that you talk just like me.
Your daddy has been working 12 hour days this week..and you are really missing him. You get out your cell phone and you call him *pretend* and talk to him and tell him to come home now...or maybe you are griping him out....either is sweet and funny!
i dont' know what i laughed at in life before i had are such a joy and a fulfillment to me...I thank God that he gave you to me and your daddy....we both love you so much!
Yesterday me and your daddy have been married three years.
He got me flowers...and you told me he did because he loved me. That is precious. It is awesome that you know ...Daddy loves your momma...alot of kids don't know that...and don't have that. I am so proud that you do..and plan on it always being like that!
I love You!
Why would you opt out to teach a child about Jesus?
if you don't know ...I am a preschool teacher...i have been for six years...not in the same place...i worked at a preschool with a boss....well let's just stop there because our last sunday school lessons was about being positive....
so .......i ........... am ..............thinking............positive
moving on
At the preschool where i work now...we go to chapel everyday....but on thursday we go to Brother Ronnie's (changed the name just in case). The kids look forward to this all week.
I teach two and three year olds...and they talk about it all week...until thursday finally gets here.
We sing songs...have fun...Bro Ronnie does a trick...we watch a movie...pray...and at the end they all get a treat! woo hoo! the kids love it!
Let me mention that my classroom is upstairs...and brother ronnie chapel is downstairs.
Again...don't forget that i have 12 two and three year olds. our chapel time we walk downstairs to head over to bro ronnie chapel and i get stopped to find out that brother ronnie was not there today.
From what i hear..he doesn't call...or let anyone know that he isn't going to be there...we just have to ask around and find out for ourselves BEFORE we take 12.....yes....12 two and three year olds down a flight of stairs!!!!!
Kids are smart...they know schedules....they know when it is time to go to brother ronnie chapel....they want to know why we aren't today...why he didn't show he sick...did he get a time out?
how do i answer.....uh.....he was just to busy today to teach you about Jesus?
that doesn't sound good...
but what was the reason? Why would you schedule to do a chapel every thursday with a bunch of kids ...then bail on your responsibility. I know things happen...
The only reason i am writing this now is because i heard all last year...when i was just observing..that he done this all the time...and i can tell that alot of the teachers who have been there for a while...gets very aggrevated at this whole situation of him not showing up and not knowing when or when not to go downstairs with your whole class of children.
I know..of course he has his side of the story..which is completely understandable..i am just writing from what happened today with no notice and the behavior of my co workers.
For alot of kids...the chapel they go to in our the only opportunity that they get to hear about Jesus...why would you opt out of teaching a child about Jesus?
I talk about Jesus to my students All Day Long! When we do colors, shapes, sing our ABC's ..whatever we are doing..I somehow incorporate Jesus into our day..all day. Whether it be we sing loud so Jesus can hear our praises...or we pray before everything to thank Jesus...we ask Jesus to watch over us at night so that we can all come back to school the next day and play...
whatever it is ...
I see no reason good enough to not jump on the chance to tell a little child about Jesus....
The kids you see today aren't our future....they are our present...and what we do in the present to these little minds...will shape our future...we can't just sit around and wait for our kids to grow older and hope that they can make our world better...we need to instill the values of our Lord in them now...raise them in the ways of the Lord now...they when they get older...the will not depart from it...
that is the ONLY thing that is going to make our world better....
so .......i ........... am ..............thinking............positive
moving on
At the preschool where i work now...we go to chapel everyday....but on thursday we go to Brother Ronnie's (changed the name just in case). The kids look forward to this all week.
I teach two and three year olds...and they talk about it all week...until thursday finally gets here.
We sing songs...have fun...Bro Ronnie does a trick...we watch a movie...pray...and at the end they all get a treat! woo hoo! the kids love it!
Let me mention that my classroom is upstairs...and brother ronnie chapel is downstairs.
Again...don't forget that i have 12 two and three year olds. our chapel time we walk downstairs to head over to bro ronnie chapel and i get stopped to find out that brother ronnie was not there today.
From what i hear..he doesn't call...or let anyone know that he isn't going to be there...we just have to ask around and find out for ourselves BEFORE we take 12.....yes....12 two and three year olds down a flight of stairs!!!!!
Kids are smart...they know schedules....they know when it is time to go to brother ronnie chapel....they want to know why we aren't today...why he didn't show he sick...did he get a time out?
how do i answer.....uh.....he was just to busy today to teach you about Jesus?
that doesn't sound good...
but what was the reason? Why would you schedule to do a chapel every thursday with a bunch of kids ...then bail on your responsibility. I know things happen...
The only reason i am writing this now is because i heard all last year...when i was just observing..that he done this all the time...and i can tell that alot of the teachers who have been there for a while...gets very aggrevated at this whole situation of him not showing up and not knowing when or when not to go downstairs with your whole class of children.
I know..of course he has his side of the story..which is completely understandable..i am just writing from what happened today with no notice and the behavior of my co workers.
For alot of kids...the chapel they go to in our the only opportunity that they get to hear about Jesus...why would you opt out of teaching a child about Jesus?
I talk about Jesus to my students All Day Long! When we do colors, shapes, sing our ABC's ..whatever we are doing..I somehow incorporate Jesus into our day..all day. Whether it be we sing loud so Jesus can hear our praises...or we pray before everything to thank Jesus...we ask Jesus to watch over us at night so that we can all come back to school the next day and play...
whatever it is ...
I see no reason good enough to not jump on the chance to tell a little child about Jesus....
The kids you see today aren't our future....they are our present...and what we do in the present to these little minds...will shape our future...we can't just sit around and wait for our kids to grow older and hope that they can make our world better...we need to instill the values of our Lord in them now...raise them in the ways of the Lord now...they when they get older...the will not depart from it...
that is the ONLY thing that is going to make our world better....

I Baby my Baby
That's right...I spoil her..I baby her..she is my princess...
This past week my husband has been on first we have the evening together with Lyla..he has been a huge help...I wish it would have lasted forever..but today started back to reality...
While my husband was home..he put Lyla to bed a few nights...I got to where I missed rocking my baby to sleep..
I still rock her to sleep...she will be two next month...and I sing to her...then I quietly lay her down in bed when she is off in dreamland...
When did you all stop rocking your babies? When do you just put them to bed and have them fall asleep on thier own?
I have to say I will completely miss the rocking and singing and cuddling when she starts to put herself to sleep...
So matter what anyone else thinks...I baby my baby!
This past week my husband has been on first we have the evening together with Lyla..he has been a huge help...I wish it would have lasted forever..but today started back to reality...
While my husband was home..he put Lyla to bed a few nights...I got to where I missed rocking my baby to sleep..
I still rock her to sleep...she will be two next month...and I sing to her...then I quietly lay her down in bed when she is off in dreamland...
When did you all stop rocking your babies? When do you just put them to bed and have them fall asleep on thier own?
I have to say I will completely miss the rocking and singing and cuddling when she starts to put herself to sleep...
So matter what anyone else thinks...I baby my baby!

Happy 3rd Anniversary to me!
Wow! It sure doesn't seem like three years has already past since we got married. I guess that is a good thing because we still feel just in love today as we did on this very day three years ago. I have to admit some days within those three years i was really starting to wonder what i had gotten myself into. I knew we both loved each other...but for some reason we just could not see eye to eye. But a good friend reminded me yesterday that it takes three people to make a marriage work...the husband...the wife..and God. That is soo true! Also last Sunday in Sunday School we learned what each person's role was in the marriage. Which i think is majorly important! We don't need two "head of the famalies", we don't need two fathers or two mothers. We each have our own role and i am the first to admit that sometimes i have to take a step back and check myself and see if i am overstepping my role.
I am so thankful and feel so blessed to have a husband that not only loves me..but respects me. He is a great father to our little girl which shows because she absolutely adores him. He takes care of our house, our bills, our money. I feel protected and safe. We miss him when he is gone. We have everything i had ever dreamed of as a little girl.
We have had an exciting three years together. Within those three years..we have gotten married, moved into a townhouse, had a baby, bought our first home, and I gotta say doing a pretty dang good job of raising a two year old. She has no complaints! We have had our high times and low times..but never doubted each other's love.
so Gregg,
I am so excited to be able to share these three years of my life with you. I am superexcited to see what is in store for us in the upcoming years of our lives. I know that no matter what happens..with you by my side..I can handle it. I want to thank you for being so responsible, so loving, so understanding, so you. I couldn't ask for anything more. God took my dreams and turned them into reality when i met you..seriously. I love you so much and I look forward to loving you for the rest of my life!
your wife of three whole exciting long years!
I am so thankful and feel so blessed to have a husband that not only loves me..but respects me. He is a great father to our little girl which shows because she absolutely adores him. He takes care of our house, our bills, our money. I feel protected and safe. We miss him when he is gone. We have everything i had ever dreamed of as a little girl.
We have had an exciting three years together. Within those three years..we have gotten married, moved into a townhouse, had a baby, bought our first home, and I gotta say doing a pretty dang good job of raising a two year old. She has no complaints! We have had our high times and low times..but never doubted each other's love.
so Gregg,
I am so excited to be able to share these three years of my life with you. I am superexcited to see what is in store for us in the upcoming years of our lives. I know that no matter what happens..with you by my side..I can handle it. I want to thank you for being so responsible, so loving, so understanding, so you. I couldn't ask for anything more. God took my dreams and turned them into reality when i met you..seriously. I love you so much and I look forward to loving you for the rest of my life!
your wife of three whole exciting long years!

You're My Cuppy Cake..
This post used to the "About the Blog" page.
I have changed and changed my blog to try to find something that is me and what I like.
So I'm not gonna say this is IT..cause i have no might all change again.
Change is keeps me on my toes!
But this is the story behind You're My Cuppy Cake...
You're My Cuppy Cake..
This brings back so many memories for me. It might not make any sense to you but here lately I have found out that (not being mean) ..I am not blogging for everyone else...I am blogging for ME!
So this title has alot to do with ME!
When my daughter was six weeks old...I had to go back to work. I worked at a preschool. She could have came with me...but working there for four years at the time I knew that she would be sick..and diaper rashes...she would have to wait to be fed. I just couldn't handle the thought of my angel not being taken care of like an angel.
Because first all you have to know that she IS my angel. Ever since I was a little girl..I never planned my wedding...I never thought of who I was going to marry...I wanted to be a momma! (and a teacher..but mainly a momma)
If you have the my miscarriage story. Just knowing that I had a miscarriage lets you understand why my daugher is my angel...but when you have a miscarriage you feel like you are the only one that has ever gone through something like that and it is good to know that you aren't alone.
My mother told me to bring my daughter to her because she didn't want her to go to the preschool either while she was still little. So Thank God for my momma ..she watched my daughter until she was 10 months old. We have only had two ear infections and one virus! That is amazing!
While I was at work ..I thought about how she was doing...I hope I don't miss anything cute. I gave my mom my videocamera and told her to record EVERYTHING!
Everyday when I got off work I would call the minute I stepped out the door to tell mom that I was on my way and to see how everything went that day..what adventures had happened.
My ringtone on my mom's phone when I called was ....Your my cuppy cake, gumdrop, snookums bookums, You are the apple of my eye...
If you haven't heard that song is the sweetest song ever!
Even at her young young daughter figured out that when that song played on Grandma's was her momma! So if they were trying to lay down for a nap and I called....she was up! Then when she got older...and I called she started grabbing for the phone to talk to me.
It is amazing to me that even at a minute old...babies know who loves them!
So my Blog name is strictly something that is memorable to is thought provoking to inspires me to write about how life is like while my daughter is young.
I want this to be a record of her life. What she did...What she likes...
I want her to know that her dad and I never walked out of her room until we knew that she was fully asleep in her crib...we would stand there with our backs hunched over patting her little back to make sure that she was comfortable...
I want her to know that we sang her to sleep every night!
I want her to know that her daddy and her danced all the time and laughed until they cried.
I want her to know how big of a girl she is ..even at the age of one! She took up an interest in potty training around 18 months old.
I want her to know that there was not one night of teething or sickeness that she was alone...or that me and her daddy didn't hurt just as bad as she did trying to fix it.
I want her to know that is greatly loved.
I want her to know that above all else she is our priority..
I want her to know that me and her daddy consider ourselves blessed because of her...
I want her to be able to sit down one of these days and dive back into her childhood and see what life was like when she was just a little cuppy cake.
I have changed and changed my blog to try to find something that is me and what I like.
So I'm not gonna say this is IT..cause i have no might all change again.
Change is keeps me on my toes!
But this is the story behind You're My Cuppy Cake...
You're My Cuppy Cake..
This brings back so many memories for me. It might not make any sense to you but here lately I have found out that (not being mean) ..I am not blogging for everyone else...I am blogging for ME!
So this title has alot to do with ME!
When my daughter was six weeks old...I had to go back to work. I worked at a preschool. She could have came with me...but working there for four years at the time I knew that she would be sick..and diaper rashes...she would have to wait to be fed. I just couldn't handle the thought of my angel not being taken care of like an angel.
Because first all you have to know that she IS my angel. Ever since I was a little girl..I never planned my wedding...I never thought of who I was going to marry...I wanted to be a momma! (and a teacher..but mainly a momma)
If you have the my miscarriage story. Just knowing that I had a miscarriage lets you understand why my daugher is my angel...but when you have a miscarriage you feel like you are the only one that has ever gone through something like that and it is good to know that you aren't alone.
My mother told me to bring my daughter to her because she didn't want her to go to the preschool either while she was still little. So Thank God for my momma ..she watched my daughter until she was 10 months old. We have only had two ear infections and one virus! That is amazing!
While I was at work ..I thought about how she was doing...I hope I don't miss anything cute. I gave my mom my videocamera and told her to record EVERYTHING!
Everyday when I got off work I would call the minute I stepped out the door to tell mom that I was on my way and to see how everything went that day..what adventures had happened.
My ringtone on my mom's phone when I called was ....Your my cuppy cake, gumdrop, snookums bookums, You are the apple of my eye...
If you haven't heard that song is the sweetest song ever!
Even at her young young daughter figured out that when that song played on Grandma's was her momma! So if they were trying to lay down for a nap and I called....she was up! Then when she got older...and I called she started grabbing for the phone to talk to me.
It is amazing to me that even at a minute old...babies know who loves them!
So my Blog name is strictly something that is memorable to is thought provoking to inspires me to write about how life is like while my daughter is young.
I want this to be a record of her life. What she did...What she likes...
I want her to know that her dad and I never walked out of her room until we knew that she was fully asleep in her crib...we would stand there with our backs hunched over patting her little back to make sure that she was comfortable...
I want her to know that we sang her to sleep every night!
I want her to know that her daddy and her danced all the time and laughed until they cried.
I want her to know how big of a girl she is ..even at the age of one! She took up an interest in potty training around 18 months old.
I want her to know that there was not one night of teething or sickeness that she was alone...or that me and her daddy didn't hurt just as bad as she did trying to fix it.
I want her to know that is greatly loved.
I want her to know that above all else she is our priority..
I want her to know that me and her daddy consider ourselves blessed because of her...
I want her to be able to sit down one of these days and dive back into her childhood and see what life was like when she was just a little cuppy cake.

HOOO am I?
Over at Night Owl Crafting ...they have a little get together where you answer some pretty simple questions about yourself..then link it up to her blog.
Not something that you really have to think about..but a great way to meet other bloggers you might not have met!
So here are the questions:
1. List 3 words that remind you of fall.
leaves, spicy smells, pumpkins
2. Do you wear jewelry often?
not really..just my wedding ring
3. Do you like your toe nails painted or natural?
love them painted when i have time to get them painted..i don't like to do the painting.
4. Do you ever wear a hat?
yea..when needed...just baseball hats frilly or fancy hats.
5. Do you have someone that you talk to everyday on the phone?
my mom, my husband, my yeah I do have someone to talk to everyday..thank God!
Not something that you really have to think about..but a great way to meet other bloggers you might not have met!
So here are the questions:
1. List 3 words that remind you of fall.
leaves, spicy smells, pumpkins
2. Do you wear jewelry often?
not really..just my wedding ring
3. Do you like your toe nails painted or natural?
love them painted when i have time to get them painted..i don't like to do the painting.
4. Do you ever wear a hat?
yea..when needed...just baseball hats frilly or fancy hats.
5. Do you have someone that you talk to everyday on the phone?
my mom, my husband, my yeah I do have someone to talk to everyday..thank God!

Happy Mail
Rushing home from work today...
I have an appointment with my lawyer over the crap that my ex boss owes me...which I think I am just about ready to give up on...She is so childish...that it is pretty much a waste of time. I don't think they understand that I don't want her money...I want the program ran right for the famalies that use it...that need it...I want the kids to have the right amount of food on thier plate...I want the ones that needs backpacks full of food to get it..and that food not be used for snack or snacks for employees...
Rushing home...
run in the grab something to eat really quick and a drink..
Lyla still at preschool
of course I have to get on the computer and check my email...
Publisher Clearing House could be sending out emails to never know!
and on my computer desk is a me
from S.T.
There is a card saying "thinking about you"
some scrabooking stuff
a door hanger for Lyla's room
some ribbon
all wrapped in pretty wrapping paper
I read the card and it says,"Apologies for not being a very active secret sis"
What? A secret sis?
I know a few of the websites i get on does a few things like that...but for the life of me I don't remember signing up to be anyone's secret sis
oh no!
I hope I sent my secret sis something..
and if i didn't..I have no clue who it is?
so .........
secret sis......
if your out there...
and you are reading this....
i have no clue who you are.....
or where i even signed up for this activity....
and I am so sorry!!!!
but thanks to Sam T for all the scrappy stuff...
i love it and it is awesome!
Have a great day!
I have an appointment with my lawyer over the crap that my ex boss owes me...which I think I am just about ready to give up on...She is so childish...that it is pretty much a waste of time. I don't think they understand that I don't want her money...I want the program ran right for the famalies that use it...that need it...I want the kids to have the right amount of food on thier plate...I want the ones that needs backpacks full of food to get it..and that food not be used for snack or snacks for employees...
Rushing home...
run in the grab something to eat really quick and a drink..
Lyla still at preschool
of course I have to get on the computer and check my email...
Publisher Clearing House could be sending out emails to never know!
and on my computer desk is a me
from S.T.
There is a card saying "thinking about you"
some scrabooking stuff
a door hanger for Lyla's room
some ribbon
all wrapped in pretty wrapping paper
I read the card and it says,"Apologies for not being a very active secret sis"
What? A secret sis?
I know a few of the websites i get on does a few things like that...but for the life of me I don't remember signing up to be anyone's secret sis
oh no!
I hope I sent my secret sis something..
and if i didn't..I have no clue who it is?
so .........
secret sis......
if your out there...
and you are reading this....
i have no clue who you are.....
or where i even signed up for this activity....
and I am so sorry!!!!
but thanks to Sam T for all the scrappy stuff...
i love it and it is awesome!
Have a great day!

The Story of Natalie
When I had been dating my high school sweetheart for about five years we made the ultimate teenage mistake and got pregnant. I say "teenage"...i was 18...he was 19..... but we had been together for so long..we had planned on getting married...we lived together....we acted and fought like a married it wasn't like it was a one night stand....if you can't tell it still kinda irks me that I made the mistake...He was the man i was going to marry...we had it planned...I knew I was spending the rest of my life with I let my guard down...and only takes one time....
but ..anyway....He did what most teenage men do...."It isn't mine!"
We lived together!!! Hello!! We were together 24/7. It wasn't immaculate conception.
Then it was , "Well she is just trying to trap me"
Ok..if I am trapping you..then I am trapping me too..because I am the one who has grow up and take responsibility for this baby whether you want to or not...not to mention my once beautiful teenage body will never be the same.
Now ...being the adult that I am...I understand where he was coming was scary....all of sudden realizing that you are going to be responsible for someone's life...We were in the stage of dreaming about buying land and building our own house with horses and chicken..our own little farm...picket fence and the REALLY sucked for me...I wish he would have been there for me emotionally more...but i understand now...not that it is justifiable...but i get where he was coming from...
I didn't have a choice...the baby was inside ME...i couldn't run...or hide....time to tell dad
He went with me to tell dad...cause we weren't real sure how dad was going to react...
my dad....being the priceless man that he is...says "Good Job Nik!"
thanks dad
needless to say my dad was not happy but it was done and he was OK..we started to plan the nursery and had everything on the road to getting ready for the arrival of the little one.
We had our kids names already picked out...we picked them out years ago.....Natalie Faye for a girl...and Ethan David for a boy... both the names were family names...Faye is after my middle name...and my grandmother's name on my father's side..... David was his middle name and my dad's name..and his dad's name
One night ..I started to cramp. Not bad at first. My dad came home early from work..because he had to go pick up my uncle for some reason...he asked if i would be ok...I said yes...but i wish I said No....
I felt so guilty though...already being pregnant and not having a house of our own...not being married yet...i didn't want to cause anymore trouble than i had to
By that cramps were so bad that I had to call my aunt to take me to the hospital to see what was going on....
When I got to the hospital...the Dr checked me..and said everything was fine...probably just Braxton Hicks contractions.
I went downstairs to leave and my water broke. I was seven months pregnant.
My body would not dialate...I had to have the baby naturally ...I was in labor for what seemed like forever....but however long it was to long..and the baby didn't make it.
I don't remember alot of the details about what happen that day...or a few days after...and some things that happened in my past...i don't remember...
maybe it was all so traumatic to me that my brain just blocked it all out...some one told me that i might have had to much anthestic and it could have messed with my memory...
but one thing that i can still see vividly to this years her face....her hands....fingers..toes...her hair...her nose and lips...her complexion....she looked like him but had a little bit of me in her.
To this day I don't know why they didn't do an emergency C section ..only God knows...and I am not supposed to question that...I won't lie..because at the time i did...I have always wanted to be a momma...i know i wasn't particularly ready at the moment...but i was getting there...i had grown up and getting ready....I wondered why God would do that me....I had always gone to church...I pray...Why me? Why not some druggy that don't even deserve kids...
But i think that is why i teach preschool now...because i know now how precious children fragile they much God loves them....and what a huge impact adults are to them
For whatever reason...I know that I am in God's hands....and so is Natalie Faye...
I pray for her...and my ex...and all my family that had to go through that with me...and I thank God that somehow all that heartache and pain...led me to Gregg...
and eventhough sometimes we clash....he loves me..and respects that part of my life...and I love him even more for that...
and none the less...meeting Gregg gave me Lyla...and having gone through the pregnancy with Natalie...I wasn't as scared and stressed when i was pregnant with Lyla...and thank God she is happy and healthy and doesn't have one thing wrong with her ..besides her momma's sarcastic attitude
So for whatever reason I have one baby in Heaven and one with me here on Earth.....
I think about Natalie everyday...I miss her like crazy...and yes...even seven years later...i still still hurts..but you learn to control the tears and the pain...and try to find the good ...
I take Lyla with me to visit her and talk to her...I know that Lyla has a special angel in heaven watching her...and that makes me smile..
And I thank God that I have a God in heaven that knows all my mistakes, forgives me, lets me start all over again and again........and loves me anyway!
I love you Natalie!
Love, Mom
Dear Lyla,
Today you got to hang out with your Nanny and Pawpaw because the "thought" you were sick. Everytime you get sick at school...the next day i take you to your Nanny's house and you act just fine!
I think your faking! I hope you are...I don't like it when your sick.
I completely understand the saying now ..that when your child goes through something it almost hurts you more than it hurts them..because you want to fix everything...and you are literally my heart outside of my body and somtimes I just can't help you...sometimes I just can't fix it.
I hope you know that when you get older....I will always be here for talk to cry vent to...but sometimes you just gotta learn things yourself and get through them yourself.
I had was hard...but I am so glad things turned out the way they did. I am so happy in my life right now!
So after work I went straight up to my mom's to get you. We played. Baked cookies..I helped Uncle Colton with his homework while you and Nanny and PawPaw counted all the cows. Then you and Colton found some grasshoppers to torture..but did NOT want them anywhere near you!!! You and Colton played tents in the living room floor and finally when it was time to go because it was your would not leave!
You took Colton to his room..crawled up in his bed...and said you were staying and sleeping in Colton's bed.
The Queen had spoken!
So Nanny told me to let you stay...
I gave you sugars....hugs....and I love you's.....and made sure you knew that I was going home..and you couldn't have cared less!
I love that you love your Nanny, PawPaw, and Uncle Colton...and that you feel comfortable and safe enough to stay up there...and it gives me a little extra sleep time...since you like to party...then get up early!
When I got home I called about make sure you were ok...and by the time I had gotten had made Nanny fix you a cup...figured out that Colton doesn't have Mickey Mouse Clubhouse recorded on his TV ...left his room....went to the living room with Nanny...watched your shows..and went to sleep!
Have I ever told you how much I love you!
I love You!
Your momma!
Today you got to hang out with your Nanny and Pawpaw because the "thought" you were sick. Everytime you get sick at school...the next day i take you to your Nanny's house and you act just fine!
I think your faking! I hope you are...I don't like it when your sick.
I completely understand the saying now ..that when your child goes through something it almost hurts you more than it hurts them..because you want to fix everything...and you are literally my heart outside of my body and somtimes I just can't help you...sometimes I just can't fix it.
I hope you know that when you get older....I will always be here for talk to cry vent to...but sometimes you just gotta learn things yourself and get through them yourself.
I had was hard...but I am so glad things turned out the way they did. I am so happy in my life right now!
So after work I went straight up to my mom's to get you. We played. Baked cookies..I helped Uncle Colton with his homework while you and Nanny and PawPaw counted all the cows. Then you and Colton found some grasshoppers to torture..but did NOT want them anywhere near you!!! You and Colton played tents in the living room floor and finally when it was time to go because it was your would not leave!
You took Colton to his room..crawled up in his bed...and said you were staying and sleeping in Colton's bed.
The Queen had spoken!
So Nanny told me to let you stay...
I gave you sugars....hugs....and I love you's.....and made sure you knew that I was going home..and you couldn't have cared less!
I love that you love your Nanny, PawPaw, and Uncle Colton...and that you feel comfortable and safe enough to stay up there...and it gives me a little extra sleep time...since you like to party...then get up early!
When I got home I called about make sure you were ok...and by the time I had gotten had made Nanny fix you a cup...figured out that Colton doesn't have Mickey Mouse Clubhouse recorded on his TV ...left his room....went to the living room with Nanny...watched your shows..and went to sleep!
Have I ever told you how much I love you!
I love You!
Your momma!

My Personal Coffe Maker: Best Present Ever!
I always wake up a little earlier than everyone else in the morning. I get my shower in silence..start to fix my hair and make up...and usually by then Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is on the TV...and husband is asking me to turn off lights so he can sleep (he works second shift) ...
But this morning went a little different....
I woke up ..earlier than everyone else...I got my shower..fixed my hair...and was doing my make up when my little angel awoke from her dreamland...
got straight out of OUR bed that she had climbed into the night before...
and went straight to her room...
so being the inquiring mother that i am....i followed her....
she went to her kitchen...and started "cooking" something...
So I say Good Morning to her and she turns around quickly and says,
"Momma, you want some coffee?"
How can you pass that up?
So of course I said yes..and we woke up dad to see if he wanted some too...he did.
We all three sat in the middle of our bedroom floor and had our morning coffee that Lyla made.
Precious, Precious times......
But this morning went a little different....
I woke up ..earlier than everyone else...I got my shower..fixed my hair...and was doing my make up when my little angel awoke from her dreamland...
got straight out of OUR bed that she had climbed into the night before...
and went straight to her room...
so being the inquiring mother that i am....i followed her....
she went to her kitchen...and started "cooking" something...
So I say Good Morning to her and she turns around quickly and says,
"Momma, you want some coffee?"
How can you pass that up?
So of course I said yes..and we woke up dad to see if he wanted some too...he did.
We all three sat in the middle of our bedroom floor and had our morning coffee that Lyla made.
Precious, Precious times......

My husband is happy again!
With our income tax money last year we went on a splurge and bought a 55 inch TV. I don't have to have a big TV to watch...and at the moment niether did my husband. The year before we bought this I got my splurge and his was the TV. Well..we had football parties...he told all his friends..we had visitors over just to see the TV like it was a newborn child...MEN!
Well about about a month ago...we had a power surge...and the TV...
was dead!
My husband...was grieving.
He hadn't watch a little TV in over a year...he said it hurt his eyes to watch such a little TV in our bedroom. He even called himself spoiled!
and to top it off...Football season was starting!
I thought for a moment I was going to have to commit my husband until I saved up enough money to buy a new TV.
We argued and hassled and called and messaged and faxed the warranty company for over a month and nothing was getting done.
So the hormones in me went off on my husband and told him to finally get mean and GO TO THE STORE and demand to talk to the manager and tell him what is going on and that you want it fixed now. ....why do I have to be the mean one? You would think he would be..but he would argue with them forever before he finally done something...I gotta be his pep talk!
So like a good husband he did what i told him and BOOM ...that day...he went to go pick up the TV you see here.
Another 55 inch Vizio..but this one is an LED instead of an LCD...or the other way around...i have no clue. ..and it has a feature on it where you can get a wireless router and your tv will connect to the internet! Now that is a cool feature. It has a higher resolution..blah blah blah...and I can get on Facebook while Lyla is watching Mickey Mouse!!
Now that is what I call a TV!

Dear Lyla,
Somehow today..your Daddy peed in your pants while he was at work. I love your innocence!
Your Momma
Somehow today..your Daddy peed in your pants while he was at work. I love your innocence!
Your Momma

Halloween Decor Ideas
I consider myself a very Godly person...others might not think so..but oh well..anyway..
Not that I am going to slowly creep over to the dark side and start practicing witchcraft...but I will dress like one for the fun of it...
I just think Halloween is fun...for the adults and for the kids..the decorations, the candy, and scariness.
There are many many myths about All Hallow's Eve....and I find it very intriguing!
So I plan on decorating like no other now that I have my own house to do whatever I want to!!
Here are some of my irrational plans:
glow in the dark pumpkins~
this is SO gonna be me in my front yard on Halloween night...i have already got my costume!!! Tights and all!!!
Not that I am going to slowly creep over to the dark side and start practicing witchcraft...but I will dress like one for the fun of it...
I just think Halloween is fun...for the adults and for the kids..the decorations, the candy, and scariness.
There are many many myths about All Hallow's Eve....and I find it very intriguing!
So I plan on decorating like no other now that I have my own house to do whatever I want to!!
Here are some of my irrational plans:

So there you have Halloween list..i think that would make for a pretty scary night!! Add a CD player with some spookey music...some smoke and crazy lights....oooooooooooo

Dear Lyla,
Every Wednesday before church I go to Sister Shana's house and do a Bible Study. I have learned many things..and I am super excited that I am digging deep into God's word. I want you to grow up knowing why you believe what you do..and having faith in God to get through anything. I wasn't raised in I grew up confused and lonely..I always knew God was there...but I didn't realize just how much I can depend on him. I don't want you to have any confusion...I want you to stand on a rock and Praise God! You make me want to be the best mom I can be...and I hope I am doing a good job!
Tonight was Bible Study night..and most of the time you usually go over to your Aunt Candace's house and play with Landon before church...tonight though Aunt Candace started having contractions with Baby Jayden in her belly and had to go to the ER. So you went with me to Sister Shana's. The whole reason for this letter is for me to tell you how proud I am of you. You are so nice and polite. You sat there with me like a big girl and actually listened to the Bible Study. I hope you learned something. I hope that God works wonders in your life. He has already touched your heart..literally...but that is for another I know he can do amazing things!I am so proud of the little lady that you are growing up to be..and your only 2!
I love You!
Your Momma
Every Wednesday before church I go to Sister Shana's house and do a Bible Study. I have learned many things..and I am super excited that I am digging deep into God's word. I want you to grow up knowing why you believe what you do..and having faith in God to get through anything. I wasn't raised in I grew up confused and lonely..I always knew God was there...but I didn't realize just how much I can depend on him. I don't want you to have any confusion...I want you to stand on a rock and Praise God! You make me want to be the best mom I can be...and I hope I am doing a good job!
Tonight was Bible Study night..and most of the time you usually go over to your Aunt Candace's house and play with Landon before church...tonight though Aunt Candace started having contractions with Baby Jayden in her belly and had to go to the ER. So you went with me to Sister Shana's. The whole reason for this letter is for me to tell you how proud I am of you. You are so nice and polite. You sat there with me like a big girl and actually listened to the Bible Study. I hope you learned something. I hope that God works wonders in your life. He has already touched your heart..literally...but that is for another I know he can do amazing things!I am so proud of the little lady that you are growing up to be..and your only 2!
I love You!
Your Momma

Gotta have this skirt!
I seen this on The Stir on CafeMom...and I love it! Gotta find one!!
It is called the Circle Skirt...and it is supercute!! and would go with anything in any season!!
super find!!

Bind together.
Dear Lyla,
I pray that when you get older that you know the value of "family". I have tried to instill that in you. Your family is all you have in this world. When things fall apart..we will be there. If you need to cry,sob, weap..we will be there. If you wanna jump for joy, smile, sing, praise God...we will be there! No matter what happens..what you do...where you go...Your daddy and I will always be here..good or bad..happy or sad...we are here! I want you to know that! I want you to know also that we will love you...forever..unconditionally. That means no matter you do or think...we will love you. So many people now a days are distancing themselves from thier family. That is just what the devil wants. If a family ever binds together in Jesus name ...that shakes the devils boots. I am so glad and praise God that we are bound together in Jesus name! Your dad's side of the family for some reason...doesn't feel the need to bind with us. I don't know why. We have never done anything to them. We try to talk to them...try to take them out to just doesn't work. The only time they see you is when we take you to church. Now your old enough to go into Sunday School Class..then you hang in the nursery during big church and play with your now they really don't even see you at church. There is never just a drop by visit...or pick you up from preschool...nothing. Why? I don't know. But no matter what happens with anyone or and your dad...will always be here for you! You absolutely love your Nanny Carol and Papa James..along with your Papa David and Uncle Colton...they visit...they pick you up from preschool just to hang out...they are very active in your life...and I pray that you will always feel comfortable enough to come talk to one of us who truly love you and are invested in your life being the best possible life that it can be!
Your momma
I pray that when you get older that you know the value of "family". I have tried to instill that in you. Your family is all you have in this world. When things fall apart..we will be there. If you need to cry,sob, weap..we will be there. If you wanna jump for joy, smile, sing, praise God...we will be there! No matter what happens..what you do...where you go...Your daddy and I will always be here..good or bad..happy or sad...we are here! I want you to know that! I want you to know also that we will love you...forever..unconditionally. That means no matter you do or think...we will love you. So many people now a days are distancing themselves from thier family. That is just what the devil wants. If a family ever binds together in Jesus name ...that shakes the devils boots. I am so glad and praise God that we are bound together in Jesus name! Your dad's side of the family for some reason...doesn't feel the need to bind with us. I don't know why. We have never done anything to them. We try to talk to them...try to take them out to just doesn't work. The only time they see you is when we take you to church. Now your old enough to go into Sunday School Class..then you hang in the nursery during big church and play with your now they really don't even see you at church. There is never just a drop by visit...or pick you up from preschool...nothing. Why? I don't know. But no matter what happens with anyone or and your dad...will always be here for you! You absolutely love your Nanny Carol and Papa James..along with your Papa David and Uncle Colton...they visit...they pick you up from preschool just to hang out...they are very active in your life...and I pray that you will always feel comfortable enough to come talk to one of us who truly love you and are invested in your life being the best possible life that it can be!
Your momma
The Marriage
September 29, 2007
Me and your Daddy on our wedding day
Dear Lyla,
My idea of the perfect wedding was something that when someone walks in they can tell whose wedding it is. It would be a reflection of you! Mine was. It was totally me. That is what everyone said about it. It was great! Marrying your Daddy was the best day ever. He looked so handsome. He was nervous and cute. It was traditional and timeless. After the wedding would be a wonderful reception with family and friends. We would eat, talk, dance. When your daddy and I left..everyone threw birdseed...the truck was all decorated. We came home to rest a minute in OUR apartment then went on our honeymoon. We didn't want to go far away...we didn't want to stay gone for three weeks. We just wanted to be together with no time limits or responsibilities and just enjoy each other being husband and wife. I think we called each other Mr and Mrs Brewer all night long! We went to the nicest hotel in the city and stayed for three days. In my imagination the ending to the perfect wedding was starting a family on your honeymoon. I mean, to me..that is why you get be able to start your own family. Your dad and I both wish for you. A little girl. We didnt know when God would give you to us or how. But we knew that we were ready ...whenever the time came love you unconditionally and give you the best life possible.
Dear Lyla,
I pray that you continue to sing and be as happy as you are at this very moment. You are singing me Wheels on the Bus and your ABC's. Everytime you sing it brings a smile to my matter what I am dealing with at the moment...everything stops to listen to you! It is a joy!
Keep Singing!
Your Momma
I pray that you continue to sing and be as happy as you are at this very moment. You are singing me Wheels on the Bus and your ABC's. Everytime you sing it brings a smile to my matter what I am dealing with at the moment...everything stops to listen to you! It is a joy!
Keep Singing!
Your Momma

We had to pray for MiMi
It is hard to beat a picture of a child's praying hands. They are so innocent and faithful. They believe unlike no other. They know no doubt or "what if?"
and that is amazing!
I had one little girl come in today and tell me that her MiMi was in the hospital and she was sick. Her dad continued to tell me that she was and it was a rare thing..and MiMi was on life support.
I , naturally, said, "oh no..we will keep her in our prayers"
and I meant it.
So today before everything we did...we prayed for MiMi!
I know an adult...that God's will should be done..but as a just hurt the family.
So we prayed and prayed for MiMi today..and I hope that our prayers of love went straight from our school to whatever hospital she is in and that she felt the love that was lifted up by 10 two year old praying for thier best friends MiMi.
God please touch MiMi and let her feel your presence and love...comfort her and her family...give them peace and strength to handle the situation they are in knowing that everything lies in your hands ..and whatever may come is the perfect solution , at the perfect time, and something even more perfect will become of it. They are going to need a friend, a healer, a Father, a comforter, a redeemer, a prince of peace..and God I praise you and thank you that I have all those qualities to depend on in your name!
It is days like this...that make me love my job...and could not imagine doing anything else with my life.

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