

The Husband Challenge Day 5

Day Five
Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.
Eph 4:29

Can anyone else say, "Ouch!"

Do not let anything corrupt come from your mouth...
That gives a whole new meaning to .... try not to speak negativly about your husband

The only thing that is to come out of our mouths is anything that may impart GRACE to the listener.
I'm not even going to ask you to sit down and think in just the last thirty minutes what all we have said that has no grace in it whatsoever. I would fail. Miserably.

Another way to describe the positive side of this is by using the word "edify" which means "to build up"
Negative comments only discourage and tear down which solve nothing and only pushes backwards. We are wanting to push forward and build let's EDIFY!!

Do you edify your husband before others...adding to his value in their eyes? This is especially important to other family members. It always makes you feel better if you hear someone praising you to someone else.

Do you praise your husband to his relatives, and yours? Does your husband's mother know how much you love him? How about your dad? Perhaps you can drop a word of praise into a conversation or a text. Be creative in letting your relative know that you respect your husband, love him, and support him- in spite of whatever flaws and he weaknesses he may have. Be very careful what you say about your spouse to your family especially when you argue..they will always remember it and it will forever change their relationship and the way they look at your spouse. Eventhough you two might solve the issue and be ok..your family won't forget it.

Have an edifying day!!

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