

The Husband Challenge Day 6

Day Six:

Whatever ye do, do all to the glory of God.
(1 Cor. 10:31b)

This verse always hits me when I have been complaining about something. There is no way to get around this government way to get around it.
Whatever we it to the glory of God.

Yes..that means laundry, wiping noses, dishes, toilets, our jobs, motherhood, being a wife, being a friend, a neighbor...the list goes on and on...
Whatever you it to the glory of God.

Would you consider yourself at the status of doing your wifely duties to the glory of God?
We could have a whole other conversation of what "wifely duties" are and I am going to be safe and say that they differ from household to household...but I can talk about what they are in my household.

In my house I am the one who does the dishes, the laundry, the disciplining, the cooking, the cleaning, the bedmaking, the trash, the organizing, the bills, the decorating, the bedtimes, the baths, the listener to four year old stories that make no sense whatsoever, the listener to the latest hunting device that I could care less about....let's just make it simple...all of it. I do all of it. Do I do it all to the glory of God? No. I do it to the glory of getting the crap done so I can sit down for a few minutes.

Even after these past five days..I have found myself taking more pride in my house and my husband. I want to do all those things to the glory of God..and if I husband and my family will be greatly blessed by it all.

Now there are times that my husband will try to help me around the house. I would rather him sit and leave me alone and just let me get it done...but I appreciate his help.

Do you have a husband who helps you around the house? Does he not do it like you would? or how he should? Do you criticize him or demean his efforts? Do you recognize and appreciate your husband's willingness to at least try? Instead of negativity, determine to be positive. Remember yesterday? Don't let anything come out of your mouth that doesn't give GRACE to others. Perhaps you can help your husband see that his efforts are an opportunity to glorify God and really help you out. If you let him know that by doing it this way...or the way you like..that it really helps you out so much more. Don't shoot him down ..just gently show him.

Is your husband the "creative" type? Does he have any artistic gifts? What is that special "knack" that he has or does? Praise him for his handiwork- a hobby, music, gardening (or landscaping is a more manly term), mechanics, working with wood..whatever it is...Praise him for being so creative! Even if he doesn't measure up to your standards..praise his efforts. I'm sure you weren't the best cook when you first got married..but over time you start to learn a few new tricks.

If your budget allows buy him a magazine or a book that will continue to encourage his special skill or talent.

If you have a hard time finding his "creative side," understand that men's creativity sometimes is related to their work. Find something he does to make is job run more smoothly or something he does that adds value to his work..andlet him know that you have noticed.

For example: I could pack my husband's him getting out the door would be easier for him. I could buy him a nice water bottle to have while he is at work. By listening to his stories I could praise him for learning how to work the machines in his department. There is always something ..sometimes you might just have to dig for it.

Make his day . . . Praise his accomplishments in public, while he is listening.

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