

Princess Lyla turns 3

Little ol' me thought that a $2,000 trip to Walt Disney World would be the best birthday party a little girl could possibly have...


Her daddy thought differently...

He wanted her to have a birthday party...

So once we got back from Walt Disney World...I got on the ball to plan a quick...very quick birthday party.

It was of course Rapunzel because that is her above all favorite right now...

We had it at a new ice cream shop called Goody's.

All the kids got to make thier own ice cream sundae and it was tax free weekend in Arkansas so all the adults got 3oz for free!! Pretty awesome!!

***again...i typed out this whole long bloggy post about her birthday...and for some reason the computer didnt' save when i went to pusblish wasn't there!! ****

Here is her awesome birthday cake..made by Mrs. Jade Graves...she was amazing!!
And even delivered it to the party site ...thank God for her!!

singing happy birthday to my girl!!! She was a little embarrassed

Lyla's face when Rapunzel walked in!!
A day before her party I had the thought of asking Donna (whom I go to church with) to play Rapunzel...look at her hair below!...but I didn't have her phone number so I told Gregg to call other church members (because I also don't know what I did with my church directory) to see if they had her number. I knew Lyla would love it if I could make it happen....but I hadn't heard anything from Gregg and it had been a few hours...

So I had my students in the gym watching a movie and our director comes in to show new parents around and lo and behold it was Donna's sister!! I almost attacked her when I seen her!!
God is good ..isn't he?

I believe through this whole party process...he had his hand on me...he gave us an affordable but awesome place to party...the cake lady delivered the cake for me because Gregg had to work that day right up until the I had no idea how I was going to travel with a three year old..a two tier cake with a towe and presents to the party all together and in one piece...and now he just sent Donna's sister to me!!

Anyway so I got Donna's number...Gregg left her a message...and when I got off work I checked my voicemail and there was a message from Donna saying she would love to attend Lyla's party!

I was so excited!! I think that I thanked her like a million times.
And if she is reading this...
I thank you Again!!

I know there is probably a hundred other things she could have been doing on a Saturday night than come to a three year olds birthday party...then not to mention ...even finding a dress to dress up and play the part!!
Such a sweet sweet girl!!

Of course I had to make my daughter cry on her birthday at her party because I was telling mom that Jade even put the special golden flower on the cake which was on Tynlee's Lyla was upset that SHE didn't get the special golden flower
Thank God for Tynlee...she gave it to her and gave her a hug!!
What a precious girl!!

This is Lyla's boyfriend...I am so glad they took the time to come to her party...she was so excited he was there!!

My brother and Rapunzel have a few things in common huh??

Play Doh...thank you cousin Brittany!!

waiting on more presents to be opened

my hunky husband
he is such a good sport and he puts up with me
i love him

I love this picture of my mother in law and my natural!

My mother in law got Lyla a Rapunzel birthday card that sang..and she LOVED it!
We had to remind her that there was a present to be opened

Polly Pocket Cruise Ship.
Tynlee told us "this was the motherload of toys!"
oh these kiddos crack me up!

My mom and stepdad..along with me and Gregg...went in halves and got Lyla a Leapster Exploring System with a Tangled game

This angry bird drove Rapunzel to Lyla's party...his birthday is the same day as Lyla's...or Lyla was born on his birthday (since he is just a tad bit older than she is)
so he got his picture with Rapunzel too!!

Then after her party she wanted to go drive around and look for deer
yes...she did
she is her father's daughter for sure!

We seen some..
about 30

And these were my Thank You notes

I think it was a pretty good party
I think everyone had fun

I am very blessed to have such good family and friends who make occasions like these seem so special. I can't thank them enough for being apart of my life ... I am so grateful to have them!

**disclaimer....this was completely pieced together from the parts that saved and didn't please excuse if this sounds choppy or makes no sense at all...***

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