

August Photo a Day

Here I go again!!

I can't help but think of the song from back in the day..

Here I go again on my own....

but I'm not alone!!

I am doing FatMumSlim's Photo a Day again for August!!

Last month I switched it up and just posted pictures on Instagram
(and now I have found that cool plug in where I can post my Instagram pictures on my sidebar

<~~~~~~~  see?!

Cool HUH?

Moving on..

Here is the list

Super cute!!

and if you go to her blog HERE...that is a post explaining each day

You take the word....for inspiration and then take a picture of what you it to your facebook, instagram, your blog, twitter..whatever!!

I know one of my bloggy friends is joining The Lynns in Real swing by her blog and take at look at her perspective on the daily topic.

If you are playing leave me a comment so I can look at your pictures..

I am going to admit right now is so hard for me to post everyday...
but I will!!
I am!

Email me , text me. call me..
make me post EVERY DAY!

Happy Challenge to Ya!!

Here we go!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shutout! I will repay the love for sure! Also, cute idea on adding your instagram feed! I didn't know you could do that.... I'll have to check that out tonight!


It is so nice to know that I am not talking to myself. I love reading your comments and I try to respond to each and every one! Thank you for stopping by!